Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nerfwarz: Best Locations

What's your favourite Nerf war location?
Here is the Addicted To Nerf top 5 Nerf war locations countdown.

5. Abandoned Streets
Maybe you should make sure the streets are actually abandoned before you start...

4. Backyard
Hide in your tree, ambush your friends in the tool shed or just mess around on your lawn.

3. Park
Immense areas of luscious lawn, children playing and dogs barking, idiots shooting the heck out of each other with Nerf guns! 

2.Empty Hall
Sure it might be dull and empty, but..something..something?

1. Your Own Home
Wether you like sniping from your sofa or standing on your kitchen table tearing up with the Vulcan, there is nothing better than  blasting people with little foam darts from the comfort of your own home.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Recon CS-9: Build You Own Blaster

The Nerf Recon CS-9 is a rifle blaster with detachable parts, allowing you to build your gun to suit your mission or shooting style. The gun takes streamline darts which can be fired up to ten metres. It has an easy, pump action, cocking mechanism for fast reloading.  

The gun includes-
  • A blaster
  • A lengthener
  • A tactical light which doubles as a precision laser aimer
  • An adjustable scope
  • A shoulder stock
  • A removable clip which holds up to six darts.

The shoulder stock has a holder for spare clips and the handle holds one spare dart.

This is a must have for a nerf army and is about the equivalent of a rifle. Although it is deceitful, as it fires much less further than you would expect,this gun is fantastic.